Monday, April 28, 2008

Juggling Web 2.0

There is no doubt that in the past decade consumers have taken over the internet and transformed it into the web 2.0 era. People now turn to the internet to seek information, post information and give personal accounts a feedback. is an outlet that has allowed people such as Chris Crocker and Star wars kid to become household names and topics.

As well, social networking sites have become the modern day address book for the web 2.0 generation. Among myspace, facebook, Twitter, blogger, etc. there is a lot to keep up with in the online world. Recently, I came across the site which allows users to have one place to access all accounts. Essentially if you want to post something on both twitter and pownce you can enter the text on and select which outlets you wish to post on.

With the online life becoming information overload it does allow ease in posting, but will it continue to make the world of information even more difficult to sort through? is still in beta, but let me know if you would like an add code as I have one.

Word Count: 200

1 comment:

camccune said...

Yeah, Jess, I'd be interested in trying out -- drop me a code if you still have one.